Amazing News! The truth about advertising. Secret confessions of a former magazine publisher and radio station owner. What does he know about advertising that 99% of the rest of us don’t know? New and quick ways to spend less and get more results from your advertising dollars!
Dear Business Owner Hi, my name is George Louvis. You may not know me but I have to tell you a few dirty little secrets I’ve learned in the world of advertising and marketing over the years. This isn’t going to make me popular with any local media, but I really don’t care what those people think! I’m only interested in you, and helping your business!
“Things your ad rep isn’t telling you”
See, I’ve studied advertising and marketing from the inside. I’ve bought ads for my own businesses and I’ve sold millions of dollars of print, radio and internet advertising! More importantly, I have generated millions in revenue from those ads. I have some shocking details to share with you right now that will change your marketing strategy forever.
How to stop wondering if you’re doing the right thing with your ad dollars and start KNOWING that you are.
Nobody’s ever told you what you need to know about advertising. It’s not your fault that your ads are not as effective as they could be. You may not understand why you are told to buy bigger ads, more frequent ads and to increase your budget. But I do.
The surprising secrets I’m going to share with you threaten the fat cat publishers.
•Newspapers and magazines sell what makes a profit for them, not what makes the most sense for you.
•Most publishers can’t afford professional copywriters which is why there are so many bad ads. (By “bad” I mean ads that don’t work.)
•The headline and photo are more important than the name of your business on the ad, but most ad reps just make your name huge to satisfy your ego, not make you money.
The most important secret you will ever learn about advertising
Size barelymatters!
Bigger ads make more money for publishers, but what do they do for you? Less than you’d expect. Only 14.5% of readers will remember a full page ad. 8% will remember an 1/8th page ad. 8.5% will remember a 1/4 page ad and 9.5% will remember a 1/2 page ad. Think about that the next time your ad rep is trying to convince you to buy a bigger ad. Ask “Why?” A rep that cares about you will advise you to spread your budget for maximum exposure. (Study information provided by Starch INRA Hooper).
Where Are You? Route 66 was one of the greatest business locations in the country... until the interstate highways were built. For years, just having a business on Route 66 meant that you thrived, simply because all the traffic flowed past your door everyday. Then the traffic moved to the interstates.
Is Your Business Still On Route 66? If you’re putting all or most of your marketing budget in print, or cable tv you are on “Route 66.” Today customers have moved online. Almost everyone searches online for everything before they buy. They do research online. Cars have navigation systems with online maps, phones have maps. If you are not online, your business is invisible. Just because someone doesn’t walk into your showroom everyday and say “guess what, you lost my business because I found your competitor online” doesn’t mean it’s not happening. In fact, if you have fewer customers today than you used to, you can be sure that it IS happening.
So what do you do? Get off Route 66 and go where your customers are!
Get online now! But do it right. You may already have a website, you may even already do some online marketing. You need to have your company come up on Google, Bing and other major search engines!
How do I get my company to show up on Google? Best Home Improvement Ideas USA can get your listing on page one of Google, Bing and other major searchengines.
What your competition and your ad rep don’t want you to know! Internet searches are targeted. That means the people who do the search are usually buyers, not just browsers. They are looking because they want to buy. Make it easy for them. Let them spend their money with you. Be nice. They’ll appreciate it and your family will appreciate it as well.
Wouldn’t it be nice to spend less on advertising?
Is there any downside to internet marketing? Yes, you see the Internet is great if someone is searching for your service. When they're searching it means they're usually looking to buy, and when your business comes up they find you and they purchase from you. But that only works if they already know they need your product or service and go online to search.
But what if they are not aware of their need? That's where internet display advertising comes in. Display ads can be targeted to a very specific demographic. For example if you need to reach married women between 25-40 who live within a 5 mile radius of your business, we can reach just those women. Need more precise targeting, maybe income level? We can do that too.